The following serves as privacy policy for all BreslinNET Media Owned & Maintained Properties including but not limited to:

E5Project Network

These sites collect no personal user identifiable data for any individual. Cookies are used to identify IP address for statistical data only.

Cookies are used to improve user experience in certain instances. You may choose to completely block cookies from being stored by referring to the user guide of the device you use to access our websites to disable them. Your access and experience on our websites may be affected.

Continuing to utilize any of these website constitutes acknowledgement and agreement to same and you fully understand you may leave the respective site or block cookies in part or whole according to information for your device and/or browser

Any communication you have via any of these websites will use a 3rd party vendor/software/resource to accomplish this and transmission or storage of that data is bound by terms of the utility you use to achieve interaction. Email/messaging/telephone and other utilities are the originators responsibility to be informed of the terms and policies of the utility/software programs before use.

In the event you have communicated with a business represented by one of these sites via a 3rd party program; we maintain all received inquiry/customer data in a secure environment using industry standard resources.

Should you wish to have a copy of the data we hold; you may specify your name, address , contact method used to contact us, and provide a copy of a state issued picture ID HERE and we will return the data within 3 business days.

The Privacy & Cookie Policy has been updated as of 13:24 CST US 9/7/23