| Service/Product Business/Lead Training

Over 7 Hours of FREE Simple Biz Startup & Growth Info

B2B | B2G | EDU | MED | Contract Register & Research Info

 Lead Generation Resources / Low Cost Branding Info

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  With over 25 years in marketing and information recovery; our desire to help fellow business owners has recently found us in successful development of training & resources for DIY Business Startup, Growth, & Marketing/Lead Generation Strategies.

Topics in Audio/Video Include:

We originally were going to make this solely a lead and marketing resource BUT as time has gone along in the 3 years we have been working with business owners: we realized that basic business startup and operations info was crucial and being decades at varying levels of business--we decided to add business topics. 7+ hours of FREE business growth and advertising/lead gen/marketing strategies for small investment.

TOPIC 1 - Business Startup & Growth Concepts 101: 

Information in sessions 1,2,3a,3b are the steps in order from concept to pulling the trigger on establishing your business and ordering startup resources. The TOPIC 1 SUMMARY outlines this thoroughly ending with establishing a relationship with a local CPA for business setup and name registration, support account creation, as well as equipment and marketing items.

Session 1[20 minutes] - Startup: Research & Determine Target Biz, Service(Profit) Area & Client...Audio

Session 2[35 minutes] - Biz Forms, Cost Research, Market Research, Get a Pro...Audio

Session(s) 3[33 minutes] - Shop the Competition, Final Rough Draft, Name Research...Audio

Session 4[25 minutes] - Step by Step SUMMARY...Audio

TOPIC 2 - Brand Exposure, Lead Generation, & Marketing on FREE Platforms: 

This information is intended to introduce you to using the power of optimized free platforms to achieve brand exposure and maximize potential to build leads. Once you start down the path of online branding; it is very easy to get lost and ultimately end up spinning your wheels just due to the excitement of trying all things new. Stay focused....not to say you should not try new things but the program we are outlining is least resistance for most exposure. Proven strategies in the heat of business and "live" income generation.

Session 1[21 minutes] - Mindset: Business & Personal Separate, ALWAYS be Branding...Audio

Session 2[28 minutes] - Facebook Business Page: Setup & Maintenance for Optimized Exposure...Audio

Session 3[24 minutes] - Facebook: Group Posting Strategies...Audio

Session 4[19 minutes] - Facebook: Lead/Direct Contact Info Generation Strategies..Audio

Session 5[20 minutes] - Google Business Profile: Basics for Setup/Maintenance/Recovery Tips...Audio

Session 6[20 minutes] - WEBSITE: Is it time?? Domain & Hosting Thoughts...Audio

Session 7[20 minutes] - Free Platforms: Search Engine Brand Exposure Strategy...Audio

TOPIC 3 - Offline, Real World Basic Strategies:

At the point you get stuck or at a place where you are waiting for someone or something else: you immediately step back into simple and practical real world strategies to build brand awareness and start building a lead pipeline. The following are some ideas and tips for building trust based opportunities for your business.

Session 1[21 minutes] - Business Card Strategies: 2 ideas to get you started building a referral network with simple business cards...Audio

Session 2[28 minutes] - Mailers & Fliers: 2 different birds of the same advertising flock...Audio

Session 3[31 minutes] - D2D: For REAL...Audio

TOPIC 4 - Contract Acquisition & Assignment - Develop a Research & Registration Program:

Why has it been such a guarded secret?? We dont have that answer....but we can push you in the right direction. We try to make this pretty simple if the commercial bid for contract arena is one you seek to enter. 

Session 1[20 minutes] - Who, What, When,Where,Why...Audio

Session 2[24 minutes] - HOW??...Audio

TOPIC 5 - Out of the Box Online Concepts:

Captured & Driven Traffic, Branding & Ranking, Email Marketing

Session 1[20 minutes] - Paid Traffic...Audio

Session 2[16 minutes] - Branding & Ranking to SE Listing...Audio

TOPIC 6[18 minutes] - Timeline Summary:...Audio


FREE Listings   |  7+ Hours of FREE DIY Business Growth & Marketing Content

FREE & Low Cost Branding & Marketing Info

Commercial & Government Contract/Assignment Setup Info

Getting Started is SIMPLE  !!!

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PRIVACY 2024 Rights Reserved A BreslinNET Media Property

ALL content is informational and offered as such for resource. Verification and application of strategies are at user discretion and results are only as good as application and dependant on multiple undisclosed variables. ALL CONTENT Property of & delivered free with no rights to re-distribute content in any fashion without written permission.